Rubén Darío

Un intelectual no encontrará en la tarea periodística sino una gimnasia que lo robustece. Rubén Darío
No soy intelectual ni periodista, pero sí creo que el ejercicio de redactar las ideas y ponerle palabras a los sentimientos ayuda a aclarar el pensamiento.
An intellectual will not find in the journalistic work but a gymnastic that strengthens. Ruben Dario
I am not an intellectual nor journalist, but I do believe the work of write down ideas and putting words to the feelings helps to clarify the thoughts.

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

In the cold light of morning

Escuchar esta canción a las 7 de la mañana llegando a CU siempre me pone muuuy de buenas. Es LA neta.

In cold light of morning while, everyone is yawning,
You're high,
In the cold light of morning the party gets boring, you're high.
As your skin starts to scratch and wave yesterdays action goodbye..

Forget past indiscretions,
And stolen possessions,
You're high,
In the cold light.

In the cold light of morning, while everyone's yawning,
You're high.
In the cold light of morning ,
You're drunk sick from whoring and high,
Staring back from the mirrors,
A face that you don't recognize...
It's a loser, a sinner, a cock in a dildo's disguise,
In tha cold light.

As your skin starts to scratch,
And wave yesterdays action goodbye.

Forget past indiscretions,
And stolen possessions,
You're high.
In the cold light of day..

Tomorrow is only a kettle
Away ...

In the cold light of day.

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